Precision Agriculture

Precision Agriculture Services

Precision Agriculture (PA) represents an innovative way of farm management that allows optimization of agricultural resources based on reliable data gathering through digital tools. AGFT is the first company in Republic of Macedonia providing PA services.

Precision Agriculture Benefits

With our services, you will have the opportunity to:

AGFT services in Precision Agriculture are divided in THREE PHASES depending on the vegetation stage of the crop that is subject of monitoring.

Phase 1 - Services before crop vegetation cycle

  • Soil sampling with satellite or drone correction
  • Soil analysis (micro and macro elements – 14 parameters)
  • Soil zoning
  • Developing optimal portfolio
  • Training for usage of GPS technology

Phase 2 - Services during crop vegetation cycle

  • Nutrition program based on management zones
  • Seeding program based on management zones
  • Vegetation monitoring – Based on data delivered from different digital sources (IoT) during the crop vegetation cycle, we are able to deliver reliable advice for all of the required operations needed to be performed in each phenological phase of the crop growth. These services are delivered as a part of the seasonal program for monitoring where the client connects to a AGFT’s specialized platform for remote vegetation monitoring (RAMAS), or the services can be delivered on farmers’ request for specific issue occurred on their filed.
  • Pheromone trap program
  • Sensors and weather stations

Phase 3 - Services at the end of the crop vegetation cycle

  • Yield mapping