Digital Agriculture

AGFT stands as a pioneer in the country, distinguishing itself as one of the initial companies in the region to provide comprehensive monitoring and consultancy services in agriculture through the utilization of digital and precise technologies.

Comprising a proficient team of agronomists, agricultural economists, and IT engineers specialized in the realm of digital and precision technologies in agriculture, AGFT extends a range of support services across six distinct programs in agricultural crop production:

  1. Soil Management
  2. Sowing
  3. Irrigation
  4. Plant Protection
  5. Plant Nutrition
  6. Harvest

The AgFutura Technologies team dedicates itself to crafting solutions oriented towards effectively guiding farmers in decision-making processes, aimed at enhancing productivity and profitability. This commitment ensures the sustained growth and development of a modern agricultural business.

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AgFutura applies a detailed methodology for extracting soil samples, with precisely defined GPS points. These samples undergo analysis in an accredited laboratory (MKS EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018). Through an examination of the chemical, physical, and biological characteristics of the soil, combined with historical vegetation data, digital soil maps featuring management zones are generated. These maps serve as fundamental information in formulating a strategy for precision agriculture and ensuring the optimal sustainability of soil as a primary resource.

The program comprises the following modules:

  1. Module 1: Georeferenced Extraction of Soil Samples
  2. Module 2: Preparation of Chemical, Physical, and Biological Soil Analyses
  3. Module 3: Creation of Georeferenced Soil Maps with Management Zones

What benefits does the implementation of this program offer?

– Strengthening and maintaining soil health
– Precise detection of soil anomalies leading to risk reduction (such as acidity and salinization, compaction, erosion, water retention e.t.c.)
– A prerequisite for the implementation of precision agriculture – Variable Rate Technology (VRT)

This program incorporates the implementation of variable rate technology in order to evenly apply seeds with previously prepared management zones and yield maps. It provides recommendations for the optimal seed quantity to sow in each management zone, ensuring optimal space for growth and development according to the potential of the management zone.

The program comprises the following modules:

  1. Module 1: Seed Quantity Recommendation by Zone
  2. Module 2: Zone Map for the Implementation of Variable Rate Technology for Seeds

What benefits does the implementation of this program offer?

– Essential for achieving increased yield
– Reduction in seed usage per yield unit
– Decreased consumption of additional resources such as fuel and labour
– Homogenization of crop characteristics

This program focuses on implementing a variable rate application of water using an irrigation map over a predefined time interval. The advisory process involves continuous diagnostics of agro-climatic conditions using meteorological data and satellite images. The solution provides recommendations for the quantity of applied water based on the specific needs of the crop and the production strategy, incorporating induced water stress.

The program comprises the following modules:

  1. Module 1: Diagnostics of plant hydration status – evapotranspiration
  2. Module 2: Irrigation map – indicating the required amount of water and the operating hours of the irrigation system
  3. Module 3: Checking the efficiency of irrigation systems

What benefits does the implementation of this program offer?

– Optimization of water usage
– Reduction in electricity consumption
– Enhancement of crop health leading to increased plant productivity
– A fundamental requirement for achieving higher yields
– Improved resilience to abiotic stress in plants

This program incorporates a digital plant health monitoring system and integrates variable-rate technology into the plant protection process. By analysing satellite and drone imagery, along with agro climatological data, deviations from normal plant growth and development can be timely identified. The solution provides a comprehensive report on the health status of plants, georeferenced locations of potential hotspots, and advice on plant protection.

The program comprises the following modules:

  1. Module 1: Identification and mapping of diseases and pests
  2. Module 2: Implementation of Variable Rate Technology Zone Map for Pesticides
  3. Module 3: Drone application of pesticides

What benefits does the implementation of this program offer?

– Early detection of disease and pest stress
– Reduction in plant protection costs
– Promotion of sustainability and a decreased risk of ecosystem pollution
– Accurate determination of damage caused by diseases or pests

This program provides comprehensive support for plant nutrition management. Tailored to the specific crop, agro-climatic conditions, and soil characteristics, it generates management zones for the variable application of fertilisers. The program encompasses an analysis of agricultural area productivity, zoning, and offers recommendations on the optimal amount and type of fertiliser.

Utilising satellite and drone imagery throughout the vegetation period, the program precisely determines the fertiliser requirements, contributing to the optimal growth and development of crops.

The program comprises the following modules:

  1. Module 1: Assessment of soil condition, determination of plant needs, and development strategy for fertilisation
  2. Module 2: Map of fertiliser application zones
  3. Module 3: Corrective map for nutrition during the plant’s vegetation period

What benefits does the implementation of this program offer?

– Homogenization of soil fertility, preventing nutrient imbalances
– Optimised fertiliser application leading to potential yield increase
– Cost reduction and efficient utilisation of resources
– Enhanced soil health and minimised negative impact on the environment

This program presents a comprehensive strategy for initiating the harvest process through the careful monitoring of crops in their concluding developmental stages and the precise determination of economic maturity.

The program comprises the following modules:

  1. Module 1: Diagnostics (determination of grain moisture, hectoliter weight)
  2. Module 2: Creating a georeferenced harvest map

What benefits does the implementation of this program offer?

– Maximum yield and crop quality
– Reducing the risk of harvest losses
– Reducing the risk of damage during harvest storage