AgFutura Technologies among key speakers at FITD event

Date: 09.10.23

Written By: Darko Jancheski

The Fund for Innovation and Technological Development (FITD), in cooperation with the International Balkan University, as part of the Erasmus+ program, organized the event “Sustainability and Climate Change – International Perspective”. The event took place on October 6, 2023 (Friday) starting at 10:00 a.m. in the premises of FITD.

Guests at the event were representatives and students from three universities: Mittelhessen University of Applied Sciences from Germany, TTK University of Applied Sciences from Estonia and Coimbra Institute of Engineering from Portugal.

This event aimed to educate students in terms of sustainability, ecology, green economy and business and similar topics related to climate change and environmental protection through lectures on these topics, as well as networking between companies and institutions.

Ag Futura Technologies, as a successful company in this area, was invited and took an active part with a 10-minute presentation in which the company itself was presented, as well as the two projects the company worked on that were supported by FITD.

The honor of presenting Ag Futura Technologies to the audience and sharing experiences from the projects went to our colleagues Nadica Angjusheva and Jovana Milosavljeva.




