Category Archives: Event Category
Polirural H2020 – Оnline workshop with relevant stakeholders
PoliRural H2020 – Fifth online periodic technical project meeting
Cities2030 Labs workshop
Polirural H2020: Czech-Bulgarian Conference on the Implementation of Smart Agriculture
Polirural H2020 – Open Spring INSPIRE Hackathon Final Event: Awards & Ceremony
Polirural H2020 – Introductory Meeting with the Advisory Board
Networking event – Polirural H2020 Project
Second Meeting – Project Polirural H2020, Madrid, Spain
As one of the partners and pilot leader in North Macedonia, AGFT participated on the second project meeting for the project Polirural. This meeting was organized by the coordinator CULS and the partner Tragsa ( Representative of AGFT was our CEO Mr. Blagoja Mukanov.
Annual Networking Event “New Ideas For New Opportunities”
CPIP is an NGO active on the field of European projects since 2006. They are a member of EASI network, together with its associated partners and support networks from Europe invited AgFutura to an exclusive and targeted event, exclusive and targeted annual event focused on designing and developing project ideas and partnerships, focus on theContinue reading “Annual Networking Event “New Ideas For New Opportunities””