
Project Overview

AgFutura Technology is part of Horizon 2020 project called Bio-Based FERtilising products as the best practice for agricultural management SusTainability – B-FERTS. This project started on 01.05.2019 and it will last for 5 years with main topic to Produce biopesticides or bio-based fertilizers as components of sustainable agricultural management plans.

Projects main objective is to integrate the valorisation of bio-waste in agriculture management plans, thus creating anew circular and bio-based value chains considering a bilateral interaction between farming and fertilizer sectors focused on a paradigm shift in the fertilizer value chain with 8 specialized fertilizers. The sustainability of B-FERTS is based on the reuse of bio-waste to replace non-renewable, non-domestic and energy intensive raw materials:

  1. Bio-based solid fertilizers including renewable sources of macronutrients (N,P,K);
  2. Biostimulants for soil nutrient improvement.

The viability of the project is based on previous R&D from other RIA projects. The manufacturing process will be demonstrated at a demonstrative industrial scale.

Leader and project coordinator is FERTIBERIA, Spain (www.fertiberia.com)

Universidad de Leon – Spain – www.unileon.es
Novamont spa – Italy – www.novamont.com
FCC Aqualia SA – Spain – www.aqualia.com
Fkur Kunststoff GMBH – Germany – www.fkur.com
Agrisat Iberia SL – Spain – www.agrisat.es
Vlaamse Instelling VOOR Technologisch Onderzoek N.V – Belgium – www.vito.be
Arcadia International – Belgium – www.arcadia-international.net
Fondazione Icons – Italy – www.icube.global
Instytut Uprawy Nawozenia i Gleboznawstwa, Panstwowy Instytut Badawczy – Poland – www.iung.pulawy.pl

Date 01.05.2019

EU funded projects

Client: Fertiberia, Spain

Project name: B-Ferst